橋爪 脩 Osamu Hashizume

橋爪 脩 / Osamu Hashizume


橋爪 脩
Osamu Hashizume


2008 筑波大学第二学群生物学類卒業
2012 同大学院生命環境科学研究科修了、博士(理学)


2012 - 2015 筑波大学生命環境系・研究員
2015 - 2022 大阪大学微生物病研究所・特任研究員(常勤)
2022 - 2022 大阪大学微生物病研究所・助教
2022 - 現在  京都大学大学院工学研究科・助教


2018 平成29年度微生物病研究所・研究業績発表会・優秀学術賞


  1. Hashizume, O., Kawabe T., Funato, Y., and Miki, H.
    Intestinal Mg2+ accumulation induced by cnnm mutations decreases the body size by suppressing TORC2 signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Dev. Biol. 509, 59-69 (2024)
  2. Funato, Y., Hashizume, O., and Miki, H.
    Phosphatase-independent role of phosphatase of regenerating liver in cancer progression.
    Cancer Sci. 114, 25-33 (2023)

  3. Yamazaki, D., Hashizume, O., Taniguchi, S., Funato, Y., and Miki, H.
    Role of adenomatous polyposis coli in proliferation and differentiation of colon epithelial cells in organoid culture.
    Sci. Rep. 11, 3980 (2021)

  4. Funato, Y., Yoshida, A., Hirata, Y., Hashizume, O., Yamazaki, D., and Miki, H.
    The oncogenic PRL protein causes acid addiction of cells by stimulating lysosomal exocytosis.
    Dev. Cell 55, 387-397 (2020)

  5. Hashizume, O., Funato, Y., Yamazaki, D., and Miki, H.
    Excessive Mg2+ Impairs Intestinal Homeostasis by Enhanced Production of Adenosine Triphosphate and Reactive Oxygen Species.
    Antioxid. Redox Signal. 33, 20-34 (2020)

  6. Tani, H., Ohnishi, S., Shitara, H., Mito, T., Yamaguchi, M., Yonekawa, H., Hashizume, O., Ishikawa, K., Nakada, K., and Hayashi J.
    Mice deficient in the Shmt2 gene have mitochondrial respiration defects and are embryonic lethal.
    Sci. Rep. 8, 425 (2018)

  7. Ishii, T., Funato, Y., Hashizume, O., Yamazaki, D., Hirata, Y., Nishiwaki, K., Kono, N., Arai, H., and Miki, H.
    Mg2+ Extrusion from Intestinal Epithelia by CNNM Proteins Is Essential for Gonadogenesis via AMPK-TORC1 Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    PLoS Genet. 12, e1006276 (2016)

  8. Hayashi, J., Hashizume, O., Ishikawa, K., and Shimizu, A.
    Mutations in mitochondrial DNA regulate mitochondrial diseases and metastasis but do not regulate aging.
    Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 38, 63-67 (2016)

  9. Suzuki, T., Yamaguchi, H., Kikusato, M., Hashizume, O., Nagatoishi, S., Matsuo, A., Sato, T., Kudo, T., Matsuhashi, T., Murayama, K., Ohba, Y., Watanabe, S., Kanno, S., Minaki, D., Saigusa, D., Shinbo, H., Mori, N., Yuri, A., Yokoro, M., Mishima, E., Shima, H., Akiyama, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Kikuchi, K., Toyohara, T., Suzuki, C., Ichimura, T., Anzai, J., Kohzuki, M., Mano, N., Kure, S., Yanagisawa, T., Tomioka, Y., Toyomizu, M., Tsumoto, K., Nakada, K., Bonventre, J.V., Ito, S., Osaka, H., Hayashi, K., and Abe, T.
    Mitochonic Acid 5 Binds Mitochondria and Ameliorates Renal Tubular and Cardiac Myocyte Damage.
    J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 27, 1925-1932 (2016)

  10. Hashizume, O., Ohnishi, S., Mito, T., Shimizu, A., Ishikawa, K., Nakada, K., Soda, M., Mano, H., Togayachi, S., Miyoshi, H., Okita, K., and Hayashi, J.
    Epigenetic regulation of the nuclear-coded GCAT and SHMT2 genes confers human age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects.
    Sci. Rep. 5, 10434. (2015)

  11. Hashizume, O., Yamanashi, H., Taketo, M.M, Nakada, K., and Hayashi, J.
    A specific nuclear DNA background is required for high frequency lymphoma development in transmitochondrial mice with G13997A mtDNA.
    PLoS One 10, e0118561 (2015)

  12. Shimizu, A., Mito, T., Hashizume, O., Yonekawa, H., Ishikawa, K., Nakada, K., and Hayashi, J.
    G7731A mutation in mouse mitochondrial tRNALys regulates late-onset disorders in transmitochondrial mice.
    Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 459, 66-70 (2015)

  13. *Yamanashi, H., *Hashizume, O., Yonekawa, H., Nakada, K., and Hayashi, J. (*equal contribution)
    Administration of an antioxidant prevents lymphoma development in transmitochondrial mice overproducing reactive oxygen species.
    Exp. Anim. 63, 459-466 (2014)

  14. Enoki, S., Shimizu, A., Hayashi, C., Imanishi, H., Hashizume, O., Mekada, K., Suzuki, H., Hashimoto, T., Nakada, K., and Hayashi, J.
    Selection of rodent species appropriate for mtDNA transfer to generate transmitochondrial mito-mice expressing mitochondrial respiration defects.
    Exp. Anim. 63, 21-30 (2014)

  15. Mito, T., Kikkawa, Y., Shimizu, A., Hashizume, O., Katada, S., Imanishi, H., Ota, A., Kato, Y., Nakada, K., and Hayashi, J.
    Mitochondrial DNA mutations in mutator mice confer respiration defects and B-cell lymphoma development.
    PLoS One 8, e55789 (2013)

  16. Hashizume, O., Shimizu, A., Yokota, M., Sugiyama, A., Nakada, K., Miyoshi, H., Itami, M., Ohira, M., Nagase, H., Takenaga, K., and Hayashi, J.
    Specific mitochondrial DNA mutation in mice regulates diabetes and lymphoma development.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 10528-10533 (2012)

  17. Yokota, M., Shitara, H., Hashizume, O., Ishikawa, K., Nakada, K., Ishii, R., Taya, C., Takenaga, K., Yonekawa, H., and Hayashi, J.
    Generation of trans-mitochondrial mito-mice by the introduction of a pathogenic G13997A mtDNA from highly metastatic lung carcinoma cells.
    FEBS Lett. 584, 3943-3948 (2010)

  18. *Ishikawa K., *Hashizume, O., Koshikawa, N., Fukuda, S., Nakada, K., Takenaga, K., and Hayashi, J. (*equal contribution)
    Enhanced glycolysis induced by mtDNA mutations does not regulate metastasis.
    FEBS Lett. 582, 3525-3530 (2008)
